Engage with Hospital management and leadership

Use the stakeholder presentation to engage senior hospital managers and leaders with the results and your Quality Improvement plans, taking this opportunity to discuss resources and funding and support from the Chair, Board and wider stakeholders

When planning to deliver a stakeholder presentation, consider how the results relate to other things happening locally in the hospital to further demonstrate the value of additional funding and resources for your IBD service. This could be within the context of other good news or in relation to national policy drivers such as GIRFT, NHS Rightcare, Modernising Patient Pathways or Value-Based Healthcare.

Suggest that your Chief Executive covers the IBD Benchmarking results in any regular communications they dispatch, for example in a regular hospital blog or monthly brief email to stakeholders. You could adapt the template briefing email for hospital stakeholders for these uses. The hospital communications/press team will be able to help you with this

Key messages

  • The IBD Benchmarking Tool assesses how well services across the UK are performing against the IBD Standards, highlighting excellent care and supporting ongoing Quality Improvement programmes
  • The IBD Standards define what should be put in place in IBD services at all stages of the patient journey and how the IBD service should be organised. The stages covered by the Standards are: pre-diagnosis, newly diagnosed, flare management, surgery, inpatient care, ongoing care and monitoring
  • Resources for IBD services can be found on the IBD UK website at ibduk.org/resources-for-IBD-service, featuring templates and case studies to help support best practice.

Call to action

IBD UK encourages you and your senior colleagues, especially your Quality Improvement Lead and Medical Director, to support your IBD service in analysing their results, understanding the patient experience and developing Quality Improvement Plans, to ensure your IBD patients receive the highest-quality care