IBD service leadership team

IBD service leadership team

Statement 1.4

The IBD service should have a leadership team which includes a senior clinician, IBD nurse specialist and manager, who have responsibility for managing, monitoring and developing the service.

Statement 1.5

The IBD leadership team should work with an expert pharmacist in IBD to ensure good medicines governance, including medicines optimisation and cost-effectiveness.

Why is it important?

An effectively managed IBD service doesn’t just happen. It requires a defined leadership team, which includes both clinician and managerial input. They are responsible for a documented annual plan for the service – with named leads for all key activities and clear timescales for completion.

This leadership team should agree a clear structure for a series of documented meetings. This, for example, might include a regular business meeting every 8 weeks, an annual governance meeting, and an annual review and strategy meeting.

Increasingly, we are recognising the value of a specialist pharmacist as a key element of the core IBD team and its leadership. This responds to the growing range of high cost, powerful drug treatments available – and the greater responsibility this brings to ensure they are being prescribed, administered and monitored appropriately. A specialist pharmacist is ideally placed to advise on medicines management and optimisation as part of ensuring overall medicines governance. 1,2,3

Involving the pharmacist in all aspects of the long-term care of patients with IBD enhances patient safety. It means that treatment and monitoring protocols are standardised, whilst delivering a personalised approach to therapy.

Anja St.Clair Jones, Consultant Pharmacist, Gastroenterology

1 Steel et al, Does a dedicated inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) pharmacist clinic improve patient safety?, https://gut.bmj.com/content/67/Suppl_1/A265.2

2 The Pharmaceutical Journal, 25th May 2011, Create specialist IBD roles, https://www.pharmaceutical-journal.com/news-and-analysis/create-specialist-ibd-roles/11077362.article

3 Embedding pharmaceutical care into the multidisciplinary team, ECCO poster presentation, 2015, https://www.ecco-ibd.eu/publications/congress-abstract-s/abstracts-2015/item/p306-embedding-pharmaceutical-care-into-the-multidisciplinary-team.html

4 A pharmacist working in an outpatient clinic improves safety for patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). https://www.pharman.co.uk/uploads/mediacentre/JOMO_March_2020_WEB.pdf