In England, the NHS Long Term Plan outlines its aim to ensure that 2.4 million people are given personalised care by 2024. In 2020, NHS England launched the Personalised Care Institute to help staff involved in people’s health and care develop the knowledge and skills to support the implementation of the NHS Long Term Plan and the Comprehensive Model for Personalised Care.
Relevant resources include:
Northern Ireland
Health and wellbeing- 2026: Delivering Together sets out changes to the NHS which aim to prioritise healthier lives, with patients more in control of their care; empower staff and deliver more sustainable care. The ambition is underpinned by a person centred model of care that 'will enable the focus to move from the treatment of periods of acute illness and reactive crisis approaches, towards a model underpinned by a more holistic approach to health and social care'.
The Healthcare Quality Strategy and Realistic Medicine sets out NHS Scotland’s vision for achieving person centred care. NHS Scotland describes person centred care as “Mutually beneficial partnerships between patients, their families and those delivering healthcare services which respect individual needs and values, and which demonstrate compassion, continuity, clear communication and shared decision".
Relevant resources include:
NHS Wales has set out guidance on the delivery of person-centred care ‘to be able to describe the key determinants of a “good” experience to help both users and providers in assessing how people feel and achieve improved outcomes as a result of the care and services they receive'.
Relevant resources include: