What is personalised IBD care and support?

The overall goal of personalised or person-centred care is to help people with Crohn’s or Colitis to live as well as possible and thrive, regardless of their long-term condition, and not just achieve clinical remission.

The overall goal of personalised or person-centred care is to help people with Crohn’s or Colitis to live as well as possible and thrive, regardless of their long-term condition, and not just achieve clinical remission

Personalised care for people living with Crohn’s and Colitis is:

  • Personal: It focuses on what matters to them, rather than what’s the matter with them.
  • Holistic: It recognises that a person with IBD is more than just a diagnosis, and instead addresses their physical, emotional well-being and social care needs together as one. 
  • Involves shared decision making: It actively involves people in decisions about their care. For example, in decisions about medications or surgical interventions.
  • Supports self-management: It empowers individuals to take an active role in their care by giving them the information, skills and confidence to self-manage and live as well as possible.
  • Equal: It treats people with IBD as an equal partner in decisions about their care, not doing things to them but with them.
  • Co-ordinated: It delivers good joined-up care, where information and decisions are shared in a timely manner and include everyone involved in the person’s care.

Personalised or person-centred care should be given to every patient you care for and not just those with the most confidence, skills and knowledge to manage their own care. The challenge of personalised care is to bring everyone on this journey and have strategies in place for those who face barriers when engaging in their care.

The personalised care institute has some useful definitions, explanations and videos about personalised care to give a deeper understanding.